1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My music magazine meets the typical conventions in many ways through editing, language and layout.
On the front cover I have used an original masthead which represents my magazine, like other mastheads, mine indicates the Genre of the magazine and is unique. I have also chosen a font that would suit the age generation of the target audience because it is neat, cursive and smooth as opposed to a large cracked font that would suit a younger generation for a rock magazine as it it is more chaotic, it is typical of magazines to use typography to suit their target audience.
This is all because it makes my magazine apply to my target audience, my target audience agreed that this custom font i chose was much better than my preliminary font as it was more suited to them.
Like other magazines, I have added the date, Issue number and barcode, these are just small parts if the page, I have however decided to include them because it adds to the authentic value of the magazine, this is used on every magazine, henceforth I felt if I was to make my magazine look real these could not be left out
Like most every magazine I have included a main image to be to focus of my page, this image is facing out of he page, almost as if it is looking at the reader, because in most popular magazines such as Kerrang this is commonly used to create a personal link between the reader and the magazine, This I have surrounded by headlines, and images to other stories inside, this is used in most magazines to entice the reader to buy the magazine. the target audience immediately spotted and recognised the stars i had used, this shows that my choice suits my target audience
I have also decided to use a Pug on my front cover like a lot of music magazines, this is because it stands out against the rest of the magazine and henceforth sets my magazine apart, I have used this because many popular magazines use this technique to draw attention to an interesting or important part of a magazine such as an exclusive interview or freebie, my target audience said that they would enjoy freebies, this was also proven from my questionnaire.
I have decided to include puns in my headlines and tag-lines Because this is a popular amongst magazines. This is because they are related to the magazine genre making the reader feel like part of a social group as they understand this specific pun, Most magazines will use one or two puns as it interests the reader and applies specifically to them, therefore I felt this would be a good addition to my magazine as it has proven effective in other magazines. my target audience thought that this was a good addition, one that i did not include in my preliminary task
In my contents I have included obvious points such as the words "Contents"to show what page it is, and "This Week" followed by a list of this issue's features, because this is used on almost every contents page I have ever seen it therefore defiantly meets the conventions of a popular magazine and easily shows the reader how to navigate the magazine.
Underneath the main articles and stories, I have chosen to include a sub-section of "Featured Bands" this occurs in many music magazines and has proven very effective by interesting the reader in their favourite bands/artists, therefore supplying information that many if not all people of this target audience enjoy.
I also decided to include a small image of the next weeks issue, this is commonly used in music magazines to entice the reader to buy the next weeks issue because it allows the audience to see what is included in the next issue, which will interest them in buying it, this would then in turn hopefully boost sales this has proven effective in other magazines.
For my contents I chose to include four main images with small story descriptions underneath describing each image, this is done in a lot of magazines, because it allows the reader to grasp an idea of what the magazine may contain.
I have also included page numbers to help navigate around the magazine, this is used in most every magazine available if I attempted to challenge the conventions of popular music magazines, I could possibly try something new and different such as a tab system in which i could divide the magazine into different sections and add tabs on the side of the pages, this would make navigation much quicker and simpler, however no music magazine I have ever seen or researched has included this therefore it would clearly and strongly challenge the typical conventions of a magazine.
The topic of stories I have included range from Tours, because they are frequent in music magazines, to the daily lives and past stories that famous artists have to speak about, this is mainly because it will give the reader some idea of what they are looking for, this is done in most, not all, but most magazine covers and therefore meets the conventions of a popular music magazine.
In my Double Page Spread I have included the masthead in the top left hand corner, this is used in most magazines, so that the article, when remembered will always be linked to that magazine it is usually smaller than the original masthead on the cover so that there is more room on the page and so that it doesn't steal focus.
Here I have used an image which covers the entire page, this is quite common in music magazines as it eliminates white gaps and need for a background pattern whilst providing a main focus for the page, I have seen this in all my research and it has proven effective in every other situation I have seen henceforth I decided it would be a vital component to my magazine.
I have also taken a quote from the article, enlarged it and placed it slanted on the page, this attracts attention and intrigues the reader to find out where the quote came from thus challenging them to read the relevant article, this is due to the chaotic and unorganized look which clashes with the rest of the page, therefore this is why I have chosen to place it this way as it is, to attract attention.
Like most spreads, I have used columns to format my article, surrounding the image so it can be read clearly and added tour dates, most magazines do this as fans of the particular band will be looking for tour dates, the article itself has been written in a small sized text in order to fit more text in, many magazines do this, no magazine i have ever seen has a large font for the article, I could have challenged this convention by altering the layout and was tempted to do so as I felt it would enhance the effect of the text yet this would be challenging the conventions of a typical music magazine, which is not the point of the current project. And finally like so many other magazines, I have included a headline relating to the story with a reference that the target audience will understand and be interested in, therefore I am catering to my specific audience, I have done this because it will make my audience feel like part of a social group and boost their confidence because it shows there are others that thing like them.